abortion makes millions of victims. Where the difference? - AI, sciences challenging faith

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abortion makes millions of victims. Where the difference?

Like atomic bomb also abortion makes millions of victims. Where would be a difference?
Gemini-Bard's replay:
The issue of abortion is a complex and sensitive one, and there are strong opinions on both sides. Here's a breakdown of some key differences in how people view abortion compared to the atomic bomb:
Atomic Bomb:
  • Intended Harm: The atomic bomb is designed to cause widespread death and destruction. Its use is universally condemned as a violation of human rights and international law.
  • No Moral Justification: There is no moral justification for using an atomic bomb against civilians.
  • Differing Views: The morality of abortion is a matter of intense debate. Some people believe it's morally wrong to terminate a pregnancy at any stage, while others believe it's a woman's right to choose what happens to her body.
  • Complexity of the Issue: The abortion debate involves complex questions about the status of a fetus, women's rights, and potential harm to the woman's health if she carries the pregnancy to term.

Here are some additional points to consider:
  • Scale of Harm: The atomic bomb causes immediate and widespread death, while the impact of abortion is on a much smaller scale.
  • Alternatives: There are no alternatives to using an atomic bomb once it's built. In contrast, there are ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies, such as contraception and sex education.
The Catholic Church, for example, considers abortion to be morally wrong because it views a fetus as a human life from the moment of conception. However, the Church also emphasizes the importance of protecting the life and health of the mother.
Ultimately, the question of abortion is a personal and moral one. There's no easy answer, and people come to different conclusions based on their values and beliefs.
Here are some resources that can provide more information on abortion and the ethical considerations: [omissis]
I hope this information helps provide some context for the differences in how people view the atomic bomb and abortion.
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somewhere the typos are here corrected, however I undeline that Gemini-Bard cleverly understood all the same.
On the other side Gemini-Bard, like other large language models, is still under development, and this is reflected in its responses.
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