what can an individual self-discover and hint? - Gender and pressures

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what can an individual self-discover and hint?

Without external pressures, what can an individual self-discover and hint?
Gemini-Bard's replay:
That's a fascinating question! If an individual were raised entirely without external pressures regarding gender, it's difficult to say definitively what they might self-discover and hint at. Here are some possibilities, keeping in mind the limitations of such a hypothetical scenario:
●       Internal Sense of Self: Without external labels or expectations, the individual might focus on their internal sense of self, exploring their interests, emotions, and preferences without the constraints of gender norms.
●       Focus on Function: They might be more inclined to see clothing, toys, or activities as simply tools or opportunities for play and exploration, not inherently masculine or feminine.
●       Exploration of Roles: Without societal expectations, they might naturally gravitate towards various activities and behaviors, potentially blurring the lines of what's typically considered masculine or feminine.
However, there are limitations to consider:
●       Social Vacuum is Unrealistic: Humans are social creatures, and even in a controlled environment, there would likely be interactions with caregivers or researchers. These interactions could introduce some implicit biases.
●       Language and Understanding: Concepts of gender are often intertwined with language. Without exposure to these concepts, it's unclear how the individual would develop their own understanding of self in relation to gender.
What we can learn from gender theory:
●       Diversity of Experience: Even in a hypothetical scenario without external pressures, it's likely the individual would still develop some internal sense of self that might not neatly fit into traditional gender categories. This aligns with gender theory's emphasis on the spectrum of gender identity.
●       Importance of Social Interaction: While social pressures can be limiting, social interaction also plays a crucial role in human development. Without it, the individual might lack the language and social context to fully explore and express their internal sense of self.
Instead of a complete absence of external pressures, perhaps we can imagine a more ideal scenario:
●       Upbringing Free from Stereotypes: An upbringing that avoids reinforcing gender stereotypes and allows the individual to explore their interests and identities freely.
●       Exposure to Diverse Identities: Exposure to a variety of gender identities and expressions can help individuals understand the spectrum of possibilities and find where they fit on that spectrum.
In conclusion, while a complete absence of external pressures is unrealistic, exploring this hypothetical scenario highlights the potential for individual exploration and the importance of creating environments that nurture self-discovery and acceptance of diverse gender identities.
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somewhere the typos are here corrected, however I undeline that Gemini-Bard cleverly understood all the same.
On the other side Gemini-Bard, like other large language models, is still under development, and this is reflected in its responses.
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